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How to Make an Old Building More Energy Efficient

Finding the right retail or office space for your business can be a real challenge. Balancing your business needs with your business budget can prove to be extremely difficult in some instances. Older buildings may be more within your price range, but they often require repairs or more maintenance than a newer building would. You may have found the right space, but the age of the property that fits your space and budget criteria might turn out to be inefficient in the energy department, which can be costly. Here are a few things that will help offset the higher energy costs of your older building.

Get an Itemized Bill

These detailed statements can help you figure out which areas of energy that have the most significant impact on your bottom line and help you figure out why. Once you’ve identified the areas that need adjustment or fine tuning, you will be better able to decide on repairs, replacements, and work habits to alter.

Make Big Changes Where You Can

Replacing old equipment can be a lifesaver when it comes to cutting your energy costs. Consider doing away with an old water heater, air conditioning/heating unit, and any other equipment that may become a burden on your budget. These changes can be made in phases, as is appropriate and affordable. Making the switch to modernization has the added benefit of not only being exceptionally economically friendly in the big picture, but it will also help to make your business more environmentally friendly.

Make Small, Smart Changes Everywhere Else

If making significant upgrades to your office or retail space is not an option for you, you might want to think about making some smaller changes in the meantime. Installing a smart thermostat, for example, can help to mitigate irregularities in energy consumption. Fixing things like minor leaks and choosing energy efficient lighting can also make your energy more sustainable. You’d be surprised how the little things can add up to make a tremendous difference.

Go Natural

Depending on the structure of your building design and location, you may want to consider utilizing natural light and airflow options. Windows can be a free source of light that can boost the atmospheric mood of your office or store without costing you a penny. When the weather is beautiful, perhaps consider opening a window, if that is a possibility. At the same time, be sure that curtains or blinds are closed during hot days to minimize the air conditioning necessary to cool the room.

Be Mindful

Common sense can go a long way. Turning off lights, conserving water, making sure things are unplugged when they aren’t in use, and things of that nature can be easy changes to make that will begin to save you money immediately. According to this list of ways to save energy, a mindless action like leaving a computer on all day (when not in use) can cost as much as $100/year. And if you have multiple inactive computers, that adds up. Have a talk with your staff and supervisors about any changes that should be made to the building that could help curb energy costs and create a more sustainable, efficient business.

A mindless action like leaving a computer on all day (when not in use) can cost as much as $100/year. And if you have multiple inactive computers, that adds up. Have a talk with your staff and supervisors about any changes that should be made to the building that could help curb energy costs and create a more sustainable, efficient business.

Ready to take action? Schedule an energy survey with the FSG Green Squad today!

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